“Then God said, ‘Let us make….’” (Genesis 1.26) In the beginning God came into the room and said, “Let’s dance!” So they began an exuberant dance of billions of years of laughing and trillions of spinning, a great ancient dance…
I read this story from Luke’s Gospel with the kids this morning, so it seemed like a good time to post this prayer from about a year and a half ago. Jesus is entering a town with a large crowd…
A prayer from a few years ago reflecting on Psalm 84: Lord, care for the poor and homeless. Open your home to those in need. As no sparrow falls to the ground but that you notice and care, so no…
I’m one day into 40 and found this entry in my prayer journal from a little over three years ago on Jeremiah 1.4-10 and 29.11-14: You know what you’re about, as John Henry Newman says. Nothing is endangered. Nothing can…
From three years ago, a prayer in response to Luke 4.14-30: When you preached favor for “us,” we spoke well of you. But when you preached favor for “them,” we were ready to throw you off a cliff. What did you feel…
It’s hard to look past election day for most of us because our future has been cast in increasingly apocalyptic terms. One gets the impression that no matter who is elected, it’s all over. The level of alarm, panic, and…

Recently I got to see some market research for Alton, the city I live in and have grown to love. The report was created for churches to use in reaching this community. Now, maybe you don’t think I should call…

The day he rose from the dead Jesus found his disciples locked away from the world. Peter and John hadn’t stayed out long enough that morning to meet Jesus as he strolled about. The risk was too great that what…
Who are we? We claim Elijah P. Lovejoy as a hero, but not the angry crowd that repeatedly gathered to throw his printing press into the river. The angry crowd that ultimately killed him. The angry crowd that made it…
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