Don’t Ask Me No Questions, and I Won’t Tell You No Lies
Recently I got to see some market research for Alton, the city I live in and have grown to love. The report was created for churches to use in reaching this community. Now, maybe you don’t think I should call…

Incarnational Mission
The day he rose from the dead Jesus found his disciples locked away from the world. Peter and John hadn’t stayed out long enough that morning to meet Jesus as he strolled about. The risk was too great that what…
The Good News of Peace
An Open Letter to Pastors in My City: Dear Co-Laborers, I had planned to write this message months ago, but talked myself out of it because I didn’t think I was the one who should write it. Then I…
Pastors of the Scattered Flock
We recently finished watching The War, a Ken Burns documentary that is about as long as World War II itself was. The sheer number of people killed was unimaginable. An estimated 50-60 million worldwide lost their lives. The economics of…
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